Tuesday, January 27, 2009

where's my christmas present?

the fucked up things in this world are being more and more easily excused in my head as the older i get. like there is a legitimate reason why adults suck so much or why people don't follow their dreams. this is more based on a public viewing than private. i like to make up stories about people i don't know. when i was younger i never thought i'd be doing screwy things but i am. i can relate on a personal level and excuse it easily but atleast i'm still happy.

these past couple days have been slowing me down. i'm so tired and the lack of motivation is kicking in again. let's see how i start my day off at 1 in the afternoon..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my number one choice is emerson college, which is in boston. luckily, i still have a year and a half until i have to worry about that sort of distance though!